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Voice of the Ocean – plastics in oceans and opportunities for innovative solutions

Jacob Paulsen

15 de mar. de 2021

Bruno Libardoni, founder of Infinito Mare, explained that they will investigate the water quality and biogeochemistry of the oceans...

On August 15th, another ocean adventure of the Schurmann family will begin, but this time with the clear objective of studying, collecting and disseminating information about plastic pollution. In the very year that begins the Unesco’s decade of the Oceans, the Voice of the O project comes to give more importance to the issue of plastic in maritime environments. The main pillars are of the project are communic science, open innovation, and education.

The Schurmann Family is the first Brazilian family to circumnavigate the world in a 10-year expedition on a sailboat and the only one to h done it three times. The family has been active around the world through their online school program, as well as their films and TV progr such as Rede Globo, National Geographic among others.

Although the project is almost ready there is still a lack of sponsors both in the scientific area and in the open innovation field.

Schurmann Family The Schurmann Family is getting ready for its most audacious expedition yet, with the objective to witness and register in loco the reality what is happening and how people are polluting the oceans; seeking innovative and practical solutions that might change this scenario a raise awareness to people around the world for the need of urgent actions.

The family is known for their power of communication in Brazil but also internationally. During the planned 26 months journey, every 45 d digital influencer will be received onboard, totaling 12 influencers during the expedition. Specific audiovisual content, such as profession video and photo will be produced for guests to broadcast on their own channels. The project will also broadcast live TED TALKS style vid with experts, scientist and inventors introducing solutions.

Infinito Mare – Scientific branch Voice of the Oceans and Infinito Mare have joined forces on a global scientific initiative to investigate the different levels of impacts that t oceans are suffering. The goal is to unite the scientific community in a disruptive approach that aims to observe, advocate, communicate protect our oceans. The project aims to acquire scientific data using high-quality technologies to update information on the environmenta conditions of the oceans to support for a more sustainable society, to better communicate and promote Ocean Literacy.

Bruno Libardoni, founder of Infinito Mare, explained that they will investigate the water quality and biogeochemistry of the oceans using a autonomous system of high quality installed on board to analyze and monitor during the expedition. They will also examine wider areas o oceans, helped by drone flights and remote sensing via satellites. “It’s a kind of poetic that the project comprise equipment that covers b eye in the microscope as well as the broad perspective from the satellite” complete Libardoni.

To support the project, a Scientific Advisory Council was also created, composed of 10 renowned Brazilian scientists and four foreign sci one of them based in Sweden, Professor Alex Enrich-Prast. Enrich-Prast is a Linköping University professor with research interests in biogeochemical cycles in tropical environments, with emphasis on the Amazon region; regulating factors of the production, consumption emission of biogenic gases CO2, CH4 and N2O; and production of biogas and biofertilizer. “We will gather an amount of data; this is the strength of the project. One of the reasons that I accepted to be part of this is that people don’t know how bad the situation is, it is import increase the awareness because you can find plastic in the middle of nowhere where you least expect it ” synthetize Alex, an experience had in an Amazonian river during an expedition some years ago.

It is important to remember that this project has several unique characteristics such as low-cost data acquisition (especially considering li costs for alternative data collecting projects on ocean data e.g. the cost of renting oceanographic ship), cross ocean project (Atlantic and Pacific). It also has another advantage, the communication power of the Schurmann Family that can bring a large public closer to ocean literacy. Further, we also have the constant scientific presence on the boat and the low carbon footprint of the expedition. Finally, and ma most significant, we have the production of a free database with high quality data that can be used worldwide by any researcher...


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